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Nostr 项目创始人 fiatjaf 在社交媒体上如此评价 Mastodon 和 ActivityPub:

Mastodon is not an ActivityPub implementation. ActivityPub is not really a protocol, it's an infinitely flexible "standard" that cannot be implemented since it was designed by armchair crazy people. Mastodon just decided on some parts of it that it would implement, which is equivalent to creating its own protocol.

Mastodon 不是 ActivityPub 的实现. ActivityPub 也并不是一个真正的协议, 因为它是空想家们设计的一个无限灵活的 "标准", 根本无法实现. Mastodon 只是决定了要实现其中的某些部分, 这也相当于它创建了它自己的协议.

source #社交媒体 #Fediverse #ActivityPub

via CXPLAY's Memos
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