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In reply to nevent1q…qnev

等到支持回复了, 又基于「瘦死的骆驼比马大原则」, Threads 就可以取代 mastodon.social 成为 "首选" Fediverse 入口了.
看到很多推荐为自己的小团体建立 Fediverse 服务器的, 用爱发电这是合理的, 但如果要让营销效益优先的小微企业来做, 要专门雇佣一个创作者就已经要考虑三分了, 更何况是涉及服务器运维的技术岗位, 这很难做到. 我只会推荐 mastodon.social 这样的巨型服务器, 之后就是 Threads.

via Nostr@cxplay

In reply to nevent1q…a542

本人于 2024 年8 月 2 日从 Google Play Point 每周奖励获得 1000 点 Play Point 奖励, 望周知. :eveonecat_fight:

via Nostr@cxplay

In reply to nevent1q…9c3q

最保险的做法还得加 http/https 协议头, 不过这样对分享的人来说可能更不方便.

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by CXPLAY (reply)

In reply to nevent1q…j0m5

I finally found the problem... It has to do with the `noscraper` option in the config file, which when true causes the configuration of `authorized_keys` to invalid.

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by Yonle (reply)

In reply to nevent1q…6ux9

Yes, I have completely rebooted. I even tried to &LTnode bostr_cli.js start config.js>, but it still doesn't work. And I tried checkconf, no problems, I don't know why.

via Nostr@cxplay

In reply to nevent1q…3vqv

I have the same concern. I found that NIP-42 read authentication doesn't seem to work, I set authorized_keys but still everyone can read my bouncer.

via Nostr@cxplay
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