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In reply to nevent1q…k70a

Yes, it's just like picture tagging.
No, Midjourney and DALL·E don't offer such a feature. So artists are have to manage their prompts in a myriad of ways, including third-party vendors that use their API directly.

via Nostr@cxplay

In reply to nevent1q…vvy9

That's cool. For prompt engineering to be truly productive, it needs users to have good prompt management habits, as important as the translator's glossary. I hope nostr.build will provide this feature for premium accounts, and I will recommend it to my friends😉.

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by nostr.build (reply)

前天给自己的中继换软件, 配置里配了白名单但是忘记开开关了, 于是我的中继就在完全自由写入的情况下暴露了一天. 之后检查元信息的时候发现属性不对, 上去一看果然是无效白名单配置, 有意思的是虽然我从来没有公开宣传过, 但是这数据库里面还是出现了很多陌生人的笔记和其他事件, 不知道他们是怎么从中继那边进来的. Gossip 模型应该不会向没有提及和关注的人发进对方收件箱吧? 难道是我本地客户端自动广播的?

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by CXPLAY

In reply to nevent1q…smrp

Stickers and emojis are the soul of socialization! But it's a waste of resources when we're uploading the exact same stickers to nostr.build over and over again.

via Nostr@cxplay

不要再和你「不懂电脑的朋友」推荐 Bitwarden, Vaultwarden, 1Password, Keepass, Enpass, ProtonPass, iCloud Keychain, Google/Microsoft Authenticator 了!
不要再解释什么是 OTP, 什么是自动填充, 为什么连不上, 为什么要花钱了, 为什么密码不见了.
什么? 不用支付宝?! 那微信 QQ 的收藏总会用吧, 甚至还能搜索, 叫他单独开个号存密码吧. 你说不安全? 要不... 你和他去解释一下什么叫安全吧? (疲惫)
什么? 你居然还想让他自托管 Vaultwarden! (吓晕)

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by CXPLAY

#123云盘 这玩意 WebDAV 的 302 开始跳到一个端口为 30443 的接口上, 然后就被我防火墙掐掉了. 大早上起来一堆堆失败提醒, 我还以为我网炸了.

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by CXPLAY

In reply to nevent1q…0rtz

It actually worked fine when I found him a few months ago, but it does so far 🤷‍♂️. I'm sure there are others who can do a better job, but at the moment there is nothing but relay.tools.

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by Aspie96 (reply)

In reply to nevent1q…n5sq

—— 《师说》韩愈 [唐]

传道, 受业, 解惑如果要找对应... 那可能应该是 "大师", "师傅", "老师". 教授人哲学塑造世界观和意识形态的, 教授人专业技能而进入某一行业的, 解答常人疑问而巩固常识的... 都是师者, 知识没有好坏, 但使用知识的人有, 而师者也因此要被时代批判, 被圈上局限性, 被法律判为帮助犯罪的罪责. 韩愈喜欢李氏子蟠恐怕不只是因为他的好学, 更因为他有尊师重道的基本原则, 那些光有自以为是的求知欲而没有尊重知识和师者的 "学生" 是师者避之不及的. 师者的权利义务不对等, 就根本不会有人想成为师者, 师者也会累, 如果教授知识是义务, 那权利就起码是被尊重, 或者... 万能的金钱? 这可能就是 "二道贩子" 如此流行的原因, 打包好知识, 做知识的搬运工, 贩卖知识? 但是二道贩子根本不会管这个行业, 这个小圈子会如何, 如果把知识给了这些无耻的 "学徒", 毀掉一个行业, 毀掉一个小圈子呢?
清扫世界的愚昧和无知太宽广宏大, 像一个宗教信条, 显得更加虚无缥缈. 不要太有助人为乐的心态了, 试探好对方的意图和态度再决定也不迟, 如果这人意图不明显, 也没有求知者应该有的态度, 而又开出常人难以拒绝的价码的时候, 应该更要考虑这人想要收买的只是知识还是师者的尊严和原则, 或是 "潜伏者" 的虚假身份证明?

via Nostr@cxplay

In reply to nevent1q…ralf

I haven't been able to find much information on sylonet either, so I'll disclose my sylonet explore (In exchange for the provision of email🙂) log: their Nostr relay service actually uses nostr-rs-relay as the base software, and starts at $5. I got a email from them last week, with a form, and it looks like they've got plans to improve the Nostr portion of their service.

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by dtonon (reply)

In reply to nevent1q…fr6z


I think Nostr needs more hosting providers like this one, just like Fediverse has a lot of providers that offer great services. Socializing is something everyone needs, but technology is not a prerequisite for socializing. The client side is cloning Twitter by making socializing as easy as Twitter, but what about the server (relay) side? There should be more "Just take my money" options than tutorials.

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by dtonon
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