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Update 1/7/2025: BuyVM has been acquired, and this throws Lain.la's future into doubt.
> 更新1/7/2025:BuyVM已被收购,这使Lain.la的未来令人怀疑。

BuyVM is the provider of the edge nodes that I use to publish Lain.la, and Francisco, the owner, has sold the company. While I don't expect anything to change immediately, I would expect that what I am continuing to do today (e.g. pushing 500TB to 600TB of traffic a month) is in jeopardy. I must move off of BuyVM, and to prevent this from ever happening again, I must move to our own hardware for edge nodes. This can only mean colocation, and I will be doing this via Nulled LLC, a very tiny hosting provider ran by Jade, my partner. My deadline is November 2025, when my one year renewals expire with BuyVM.
> BuyVM 是我用来发布 Lain.la 的边缘节点的提供商,而公司所有者 Francisco 已经出售了公司。虽然我并不指望马上会有什么变化,但我希望我现在继续做的事情(例如每月推送 500TB 到 600TB 的流量)会岌岌可危。我必须离开 BuyVM,而且为了防止这种情况再次发生,我必须将边缘节点迁移到我们自己的硬件上。这只能意味着主机托管,我将通过 Nulled LLC 来实现这一目标,这是一家非常小的托管服务提供商,由我的合伙人杰德经营。我的最后期限是 2025 年 11 月,届时我与 BuyVM 的一年续约将到期。

If you want Pomf, Gitlab, Fedi, and all my other services to make it through these trying times, then I will need to shell out for multiple new rack servers and a new hosting contract. This is gonna be thousands and thousands of dollars to do and get right the first time. The benefit will be that this situation should not happen again, and Lain.la will have more control over the performance and security of systems at the edge. I can probably front this money myself as I always have, but you'll give me more options and a faster timeline if I can get that money sooner rather than letting it trickle in over time. Please donate below if you feel I've done something to deserve it and want to see more of what I'm capable of. Thank you.
> 如果你想让 Pomf、Gitlab、Fedi 和我的所有其他服务度过难关,那么我就需要购买多台新的机架服务器并签订新的托管合同。这需要花费数千乃至数万美元才能完成,而且第一次就得做好。这样做的好处是,这种情况应该不会再发生,Lain.la 对边缘系统的性能和安全性也有了更多的控制权。我也许可以一如既往地自己垫付这笔钱,但如果我能尽快拿到这笔钱,而不是让它随着时间的推移而涓涓流淌,那么你就会给我更多的选择和更快的时间表。如果你觉得我做了什么值得你这样做,并希望看到我更多的能力,请在下面捐款。谢谢。


via Nostr@cxplay_clip Funding for Ideas - Short Version | Lain.La Infrablog
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—— https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/第22条军规

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国家发展改革委、财政部发布关于 2025 年加力扩围实施大规模设备更新和消费品以旧换新政策的通知。其中提到,实施手机等数码产品购新补贴。对个人消费者购买手机、平板、智能手表手环等 3 类数码产品(单件销售价格不超过 6000 元),按产品销售价格的 15%给予补贴,每位消费者每类产品可补贴 1 件,每件补贴不超过 500 元。


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MTTF – What hard drive reliability really means - EMEA

The last category is consumer or desktop hard drives. They feature a SATA interface and they are available with up to 10TB in 2019. These are the cheapest HDD classes; accordingly, with some restrictions. Thus, the operating time is only 8 hours per day, the
workload at just 55TB per year over the two-year warranty period and the MTTF at 600,000 hours.


via Nostr@cxplay_clip MTTF – What hard drive reliability really means
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Building Bluesky: a Distributed Social Network (Real-World Engineering Challenges)

[...] Today, the Personal Data Servers are bare-metal servers hosted by cloud infrastructure vendor, Vultr. Bluesky currently operates 20 and shards them so that each PDS supports about 300,000 users. [...]
[...] **Owning your own infrastructure instead of using the cloud seems a rational choice.** Bluesky found large savings by moving off AWS once they could forecast the type of load they needed. Jake Gold, the engineer driving this transition, has been vocal about how cloud providers have become more expensive than many people realize. Speaking on the podcast, Last Week in AWS, he said:
> “With the original vision of AWS I first started using in 2006, or whenever launched, they said they would lower your bill every so often, as Moore’s law makes their bill lower. And that kind of happened a little bit here and there, but it hasn’t happened to the same degree as I think we all hoped it would.” [...]


#Bluesky #AWS

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## Bluesky v1.90 对于审核(moderation)功能的改进 (2024.08.29)

1. 贴文的引用(quote)转发次数被独立显示, 总的转发次数仍然计入引用转发次数.
2. 允许贴文发布者将贴文从已经被其他用户引用的贴文中「分离(detach)」出来, 分离之后将无法从对应引用转发贴文中查看被引用到的自己的贴文, 会为后续访客显示 "已被作者删除", 但已被分离的引用转发不会减少转发计数.
3. 允许贴文发布时和发布后关闭引用贴文的转发功能.
4. 允许贴文发布者隐藏贴文线程下的回复, 被隐藏的回复以及该回复之后的子节点会被折叠到线程中的 "被隐藏的回复" 中. 隐藏操作可以对自己或对所有人(仅贴文发布者)生效.
5. 关注时间线只会显示至少两个或以上已经关注的用户之间的对话, 对话将会始终显示的回复者和贴文发布者的对话上下文(中间节点将被折叠). 因此, 对关注时间线的设置中中不再有 "仅已关注用户" 和 "按点赞数" 过滤选项.
6. 可以设置定时失效和仅用于未关注用户的屏蔽关键词.
7. 通知过滤器中可设置仅接收来自已关注用户的通知.
8. 屏蔽用户将会同时屏蔽用户创建的列表(入门包和(用户)列表).

- https://bsky.social/about/blog/08-28-2024-anti-toxicity-features
- https://bsky.app/profile/bsky.app/post/3l2s5luwyg22t
- https://gigazine.net/news/20240829-bluesky-anti-toxicity-features/

#Moderation #Censorship #Bluesky

via Nostr@cxplay_clip New Anti-Toxicity Features on Bluesky - Bluesky
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马斯克劫持 @America 账号去宣传特朗普

马斯克(Elon Musk)已经将旗下 X/Twitter 变成一个宣传共和党总统候选人特朗普(Donald Trump)的平台。他最近被发现劫持了 @America 账号去宣传特朗普,并将其写入自己的账号简介里。这不是第一次,他此前从 Gene X. Hwang 手中劫持了 @X 账号。@America 账号原持有者曾与马斯克有过互动,曾经批评他的政治言论,现在其账号被马斯克改名为@America123_12。


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How a UK treaty could spell the end of the .io domain

Last week, the British government announced that it has agreed to give up ownership of the Chagos Islands, a territory in the Indian Ocean it has controlled since 1814 — relinquishing the .io domain with it.
now, the UK’s finalized agreement will make the Chagos Islands part of Mauritius — a move Chagossians say the government didn’t even consult them on. With this change, the British Indian Ocean Territory is no more, calling into question the future of the .io domain.
现在,英国最终达成的协议将使查戈斯群岛成为毛里求斯的一部分 — 查戈斯人说,政府甚至没有征求他们的意见。随着这一变化,英属印度洋领土不再存在,对.io域名的未来提出了质疑。

注: 毛里求斯的国家顶级域名是 .mu



via Nostr@cxplay_clip How a UK treaty could spell the end of the .io domain
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虚拟作品中的真实仇恨:如何改善我们的社区?Real Hatred in Virtual Works: How Can We Improve Our Community? | Iwara

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