In reply to nevent1q…ekfs
Most of the clients you mentioned integrate directly with nostr.build, which is why they can't upload. Media file hosting in Nostr is also expensive, I recommend cdn.satellite.earth (satellite.earth), the pay as you go is better to start, so it's still not free. Maybe YouTube is also an option.
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…ekfs
Most of the clients you mentioned integrate directly with nostr.build, which is why they can't upload. Media file hosting in Nostr is also expensive, I recommend cdn.satellite.earth (satellite.earth), the pay as you go is better to start, so it's still not free. Maybe YouTube is also an option.
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…6pdw
以后就能看到有人在过滤器里写规则直接替换 aff 参数了:doge: 要小心劫持
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…6pdw
以后就能看到有人在过滤器里写规则直接替换 aff 参数了:doge: 要小心劫持
via Nostr@cxplay
#AdGuard v7.18 beta 1 更新, 改进了网络驱动, 添加了两个新修饰符:
- $xmlprune: 类似 $jsonprune, 使用 XPath 对 XML 文档进行修剪.
> https://github.com/AdguardTeam/CoreLibs/issues/473
- $urltransform: URL 层面的 $replace, 类似于 uBlock 的 urltransform, 使用正则表达式修改 URL 并重定向.
> https://github.com/AdguardTeam/CoreLibs/issues/1364
PS: 这下不止修剪 URL 参数, 直接用正则动手了.
via Nostr@cxplay
#AdGuard v7.18 beta 1 更新, 改进了网络驱动, 添加了两个新修饰符:
- $xmlprune: 类似 $jsonprune, 使用 XPath 对 XML 文档进行修剪.
> https://github.com/AdguardTeam/CoreLibs/issues/473
- $urltransform: URL 层面的 $replace, 类似于 uBlock 的 urltransform, 使用正则表达式修改 URL 并重定向.
> https://github.com/AdguardTeam/CoreLibs/issues/1364
PS: 这下不止修剪 URL 参数, 直接用正则动手了.
via Nostr@cxplay
#article #read
[单个 6.20TB 的超大 csv 文件保持顺序的情况下进行去除重]各个方案的可行性分析
- https://www.v2ex.com/t/1046610
- https://archive.ph/I3vkU
原贴: 要对单个 6.20TB 的超大 csv 文件保持顺序的情况下进行去除重复行,有什么好思路?显然不可能加载进内存
- https://v2ex.com/t/1046023
- https://archive.ph/tfkTM
via Nostr@cxplay_clip
[单个 6.20TB 的超大 csv 文件保持顺序的情况下进行去除重]各个方案的可行性分析
- https://www.v2ex.com/t/1046610
- https://archive.ph/I3vkU
原贴: 要对单个 6.20TB 的超大 csv 文件保持顺序的情况下进行去除重复行,有什么好思路?显然不可能加载进内存
- https://v2ex.com/t/1046023
- https://archive.ph/tfkTM
via Nostr@cxplay_clip
In reply to nevent1q…vfd2
And you can get someone else to do it for you, and the "price" for that should be something more expensive than money. Sometimes it's harder to hide people behind "7 proxies" than it is to hide network traffic behind "7 proxies". But it's not impossible.
> https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/good-luck-im-behind-7-proxies
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…vfd2
And you can get someone else to do it for you, and the "price" for that should be something more expensive than money. Sometimes it's harder to hide people behind "7 proxies" than it is to hide network traffic behind "7 proxies". But it's not impossible.
> https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/good-luck-im-behind-7-proxies
via Nostr@cxplay
从本地缓存中继导出了四十万行事件的 jsonl, 大小约为 230MB. 重新导入到 rnost 建立搜索(NIP-50)索引后, 数据库体积达到了 1.7GB, 消耗有点太大了, 有时间再试试 strfy 和 nostream. 支持 NIP-50 的中继软件真不多.
PS: Gossip Desktop, rnostr 和 strfy 都用了 LMDB, 性能确实不错.
via Nostr@cxplay
从本地缓存中继导出了四十万行事件的 jsonl, 大小约为 230MB. 重新导入到 rnost 建立搜索(NIP-50)索引后, 数据库体积达到了 1.7GB, 消耗有点太大了, 有时间再试试 strfy 和 nostream. 支持 NIP-50 的中继软件真不多.
PS: Gossip Desktop, rnostr 和 strfy 都用了 LMDB, 性能确实不错.
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…u6qk
Alex is DDoSing Alex himself and fiatjaf.😱
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…u6qk
Alex is DDoSing Alex himself and fiatjaf.😱
via Nostr@cxplay
> https://www.dacs.org.uk/news-events/what-artists-and-their-beneficiaries-need-to-know-about-metas-new-privacy-policy
美国《版权法》保护传统独立博客的 RSS Feed 内容作者权利, 不得将内容未经许可重新发布. 但是 Fediverse 和其他大多数拥有互操作能力的分布式社交网络与 RSS 有不同的地方, 最基本也是最重要的能力就是跨联邦和跨点互联, 用户生成的内容将能够在这些节点网络中自由传播, 这实际上就是在各自节点网络中无数遍 "重新发布", 包括到达 Meta 的 Threads 节点. Werd I/O 的文章对此也给出了一些想法.
#RSS #Fediverse #AI #Legal #Copyright
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…wjzj
看着你们已经婚育的讨论教育子女困难重重, 我们这些年轻人更不敢结婚了.🫠
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…wjzj
看着你们已经婚育的讨论教育子女困难重重, 我们这些年轻人更不敢结婚了.🫠
via Nostr@cxplay