In reply to nevent1q…ewz5
好巧我也是, Epic 送我之后(也是基础本体): https://t.me/cxplayworld/190
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In reply to nevent1q…ewz5
好巧我也是, Epic 送我之后(也是基础本体): https://t.me/cxplayworld/190
via Nostr@cxplay
今年长江中下游的雨量有些太多了, 很多地方的水果都被暴雨影响了采收. 不套袋的水果损失更惨重, 暴雨一来地上一层果子, 再暴晒一下熟果直接在树上烂掉, 再加上果实蝇泛滥成灾, 树上还剩下的还有很多病果, 遭虫害的果子从外观上几乎看不出来问题, 只有切开之后才能看到. 附近的部分果园最近采收下来, 只有 1/3 左右才能被收购.
天然无公害还「绿色」「有机」的水果人人都想吃, 可是代价是什么呢. 不撒农药治虫害, 不施化肥催苗, 不提前采摘避开坏天气, 也不催熟不提前进库也不转运, 疏果之后每个都要套袋, 还得规模化种植. 这些果子不说万里挑一, 也得是百里挑一了.
via Nostr@cxplay
今年长江中下游的雨量有些太多了, 很多地方的水果都被暴雨影响了采收. 不套袋的水果损失更惨重, 暴雨一来地上一层果子, 再暴晒一下熟果直接在树上烂掉, 再加上果实蝇泛滥成灾, 树上还剩下的还有很多病果, 遭虫害的果子从外观上几乎看不出来问题, 只有切开之后才能看到. 附近的部分果园最近采收下来, 只有 1/3 左右才能被收购.
天然无公害还「绿色」「有机」的水果人人都想吃, 可是代价是什么呢. 不撒农药治虫害, 不施化肥催苗, 不提前采摘避开坏天气, 也不催熟不提前进库也不转运, 疏果之后每个都要套袋, 还得规模化种植. 这些果子不说万里挑一, 也得是百里挑一了.
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…d3nt
Less animation, and no random hash images?
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In reply to nevent1q…d3nt
Less animation, and no random hash images?
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In reply to nevent1q…044j
and when I open someone's profile page to try loading list of followers.
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In reply to nevent1q…044j
and when I open someone's profile page to try loading list of followers.
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The latest #Amethyst performance mode is so useful. I've never felt so smooth on there, god.
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The latest #Amethyst performance mode is so useful. I've never felt so smooth on there, god.
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…5096
什么 78, 是 73. 国内的带宽成本雷打不动, 反倒是这个储存空间各家玩得都挺花. 动不动就 TB 级别起步, 甚至能到 PB 级别, 仿佛就在赌用户保存的数据重复率高到能够在唯一数据占用兑现全部的权益之前覆盖成本, 何尝不是种灵车? 123 目前也就只有一个北方的数据中心, 对用户来说就只能当作一份远程拷贝来用, 它自己都没办法在这种成本下面做灾备.
南方的数据中心画饼已经画了好久了, 但是就目前这个母公司的主营市场状况来看, 可能是 coming s∞n 了, 123自己大概率还没能盈利, 还在卷低价大杯的营销, 最近开始才开始有些收敛. 早些时候说的 to B 业务的饼现在也没圆出来, 现阶段全靠广告维持基本收入了, 还是第三方广告联盟的广告, 根本没有主动权.
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…5096
什么 78, 是 73. 国内的带宽成本雷打不动, 反倒是这个储存空间各家玩得都挺花. 动不动就 TB 级别起步, 甚至能到 PB 级别, 仿佛就在赌用户保存的数据重复率高到能够在唯一数据占用兑现全部的权益之前覆盖成本, 何尝不是种灵车? 123 目前也就只有一个北方的数据中心, 对用户来说就只能当作一份远程拷贝来用, 它自己都没办法在这种成本下面做灾备.
南方的数据中心画饼已经画了好久了, 但是就目前这个母公司的主营市场状况来看, 可能是 coming s∞n 了, 123自己大概率还没能盈利, 还在卷低价大杯的营销, 最近开始才开始有些收敛. 早些时候说的 to B 业务的饼现在也没圆出来, 现阶段全靠广告维持基本收入了, 还是第三方广告联盟的广告, 根本没有主动权.
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…rf6v
它的 1TB 的分享流量定价是 30 元左右, 直链的流量定价还是普遍市场价格 50 元 1TB. 上一波的权益调整, 10 倍的缩水也最后反映在了促销价格上.
via Nostr@cxplay
In reply to nevent1q…rf6v
它的 1TB 的分享流量定价是 30 元左右, 直链的流量定价还是普遍市场价格 50 元 1TB. 上一波的权益调整, 10 倍的缩水也最后反映在了促销价格上.
via Nostr@cxplay
#123云盘 的这个 618 活动说实话并不值(对我来说), 因为上次直接把分享流量从 100G 砍到 10G 了. 78 元一年价格很可能是权益调整后的合理定价之一, 已经手持三年会员的用户完全不用考虑, 这个活动可能是周期性常驻的, 权益时长也有些长的有些不合理.
via Nostr@cxplay
#123云盘 的这个 618 活动说实话并不值(对我来说), 因为上次直接把分享流量从 100G 砍到 10G 了. 78 元一年价格很可能是权益调整后的合理定价之一, 已经手持三年会员的用户完全不用考虑, 这个活动可能是周期性常驻的, 权益时长也有些长的有些不合理.
via Nostr@cxplay
#article #read
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#article #read
Potential Ozone Depletion From Satellite Demise During Atmospheric Reentry in the Era of Mega‐Constellations
With ongoing plans for many constellations of small satellites, the number of objects orbiting the Earth is expected to continue increasing in the foreseeable future. At the end of service life, satellites are disposed into the atmosphere, burning up during the process and generating aluminum oxides, which are known to accelerate ozone depletion. The environmental impacts from the reentry of satellites are currently poorly understood. This paper investigates the oxidation process of the satellite's aluminum content during atmospheric reentry utilizing atomic-scale molecular dynamics simulations. We find that the population of reentering satellites in 2022 caused a 29.5% increase of aluminum in the atmosphere above the natural level, resulting in around 17 metric tons of aluminum oxides injected into the mesosphere. The byproducts generated by the reentry of satellites in a future scenario where mega-constellations come to fruition can reach over 360 metric tons per year. As aluminum oxide nanoparticles may remain in the atmosphere for decades, they can cause significant ozone depletion.
via Nostr@cxplay_clip
Potential Ozone Depletion From Satellite Demise During Atmospheric Reentry in the Era of Mega‐Constellations
With ongoing plans for many constellations of small satellites, the number of objects orbiting the Earth is expected to continue increasing in the foreseeable future. At the end of service life, satellites are disposed into the atmosphere, burning up during the process and generating aluminum oxides, which are known to accelerate ozone depletion. The environmental impacts from the reentry of satellites are currently poorly understood. This paper investigates the oxidation process of the satellite's aluminum content during atmospheric reentry utilizing atomic-scale molecular dynamics simulations. We find that the population of reentering satellites in 2022 caused a 29.5% increase of aluminum in the atmosphere above the natural level, resulting in around 17 metric tons of aluminum oxides injected into the mesosphere. The byproducts generated by the reentry of satellites in a future scenario where mega-constellations come to fruition can reach over 360 metric tons per year. As aluminum oxide nanoparticles may remain in the atmosphere for decades, they can cause significant ozone depletion.
via Nostr@cxplay_clip
#article #read
OpenAI 联合创始人 Ilya Sutskever 成立新公司 Safe Superintelligence Inc.
> https://ssi.inc/
- https://www.solidot.org/story?sid=78476
- https://slashdot.org/story/24/06/19/1823253/openai-co-founder-ilya-sutskever-launches-venture-for-safe-superintelligence
via Nostr@cxplay_clip
OpenAI 联合创始人 Ilya Sutskever 成立新公司 Safe Superintelligence Inc.
> https://ssi.inc/
- https://www.solidot.org/story?sid=78476
- https://slashdot.org/story/24/06/19/1823253/openai-co-founder-ilya-sutskever-launches-venture-for-safe-superintelligence
via Nostr@cxplay_clip
#article #read
EU chat control law proposes scanning your messages — even encrypted ones - The Verge
> The proposal, which is aimed at preventing child sexual abuse material, would essentially break encryption.
As if this doesn’t seem wild enough, the proposed legislation appears to endorse and reject end-to-end encryption at the same time. At first, it highlights how end-to-end encryption “is a necessary means of protecting fundamental rights” but then goes on to say that encrypted messaging services could “inadvertently become secure zones where child sexual abuse material can be shared or disseminated.”
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EU chat control law proposes scanning your messages — even encrypted ones - The Verge
> The proposal, which is aimed at preventing child sexual abuse material, would essentially break encryption.
As if this doesn’t seem wild enough, the proposed legislation appears to endorse and reject end-to-end encryption at the same time. At first, it highlights how end-to-end encryption “is a necessary means of protecting fundamental rights” but then goes on to say that encrypted messaging services could “inadvertently become secure zones where child sexual abuse material can be shared or disseminated.”
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#article #read
The perils of the “real” client IP | adam-p
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The perils of the “real” client IP | adam-p
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