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In reply to nevent1q…q9hd

仿佛一群人对着 Google Search 这个黑盒不断输入来记录输出规律最后得出 SEO 技术, 然后 Google 突然把这个盒子打开了一条缝, 外面的人看到了一些管道的走向, 有些正好和长期以来的 SEO 理论不谋而合, 甚至相符到有人开始怀疑 Google 是故意泄露, 甚至整个文档都是假的.
但实际上, 我觉得就算要生编出这两千五百个模块和一万四千个属性也要花很多时间, 并且还不能让人发现其中的逻辑错误, 就算是 AIGC, 也得花很多人力和时间来复核. 真算假的, 那也是炒作和假新闻里面质量很高的了, 比 Yandex 源代码泄露那次给出的信息更有用.

Google 发言人的出发点是好的, 但我们能相信他们吗?
> 快速的答案是, 当你太接近核心秘密时就不能了.

via Nostr@cxplay
#article #read

In reply to nevent1q…t472

Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked

An important thing we can all take away from this is: SEOs know what they are doing. After years of being told we’re wrong it’s good to see behind the curtain and find out we have been right all along. And, while there are interesting nuances of how Google works in these documents there is nothing that is going to make dramatically change course in how I strategically do SEO.
For those that dig in, these documents will primarily serve to validate what seasoned SEOs have long advocated. Understand your audience, identify what they want, make the best thing possible that aligns with that, make it technically accessible, and promote it until it ranks.
To everyone in SEO that has been unsure of what they are doing, keep testing, keep learning, and keep growing businesses. Google can’t do what they do without us.
—— https://ipullrank.com/google-algo-leak / https://archive.ph/tBVGt

via Nostr@cxplay_clip Short Text Note by CXPLAY (reply)
#article #read

In reply to nevent1q…xtyy

- Google claimed they don't use a "domain authority" metric, but the docs show they totally do - it's called "siteAuthority."
- G said clicks don't affect rankings, but there's a whole system called "NavBoost" that uses click data to change search results.
- Google denied having a "sandbox" that holds back new sites, but yep, the docs confirm it exists.
- G assured us Chrome data isn't used for ranking, but surprise! It is.
- The number and diversity of your backlinks still matter a lot.
- Having authors with expertise and authority helps.
- Putting keywords in your title tag and matching search queries is important.
- Google tracks the dates on your pages to determine freshness.
- A lot of long-held SEO theories have been validated, so trust your instincts.
- Creating great content and promoting it well is still the best approach.
- We should experiment more to see what works, rather than just listening to what Google says.
—— https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/1d2gllz/comment/l60i5zl/

via Nostr@cxplay_clip

In reply to nevent1q…dr0x

Google 你是故意的还是不小心的? 怎么刚宣布调整 SEO 算法就把旧文档泄露了?

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by CXPLAY (reply)

@[email protected] 编剧: 不看我写的阳春白雪的玩家只能渡过一个相对失败的人生, 总之你们开发组的不准加跳过.

墨原(@ncts@dabr.ca) says:


via CXPLAY (@[email protected])

In reply to nevent1q…8n2l

说错了, njump 的 kind:30023 不是前端渲染. 只是 RSS Feed 输出的时候只会用正则做简单的换行符和转义符号替换, 再加上上下文超链接. 不会和网页预览 kind:30023 那样经过 Markdown 解析后渲染成为 HTML, RSS/Atom 由于本来没有设计长文本内容输出, 也就缺少了这一步. 或许可以让 kind:30023 和网页预览一样共用这个步骤?

via Nostr@cxplay

In reply to nevent1q…c78h

PoW 从加密货币兴起, 于是 Nostr 里面也有类似的做法:
> https://nips.nostr.com/13
比起各种 WAF, 花里胡哨的人机验证码, PoW 直接硬性消耗算力算 hash, 要在网络上做的步数越多, 消耗的算力越大, 可以有效缓解大规模的滥用. Nostr 引入 PoW 目的当然也是为了对抗滥用, 虽然最后看起来和挖矿没有什么区别, 但这实际上不会产生任何直接实际收益.
PS: 什么叫边缘计算啊? (后仰)

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by CXPLAY's Clip
#article #read

ChatGPT开始上PoW了 - 常规话题 / 人工智能 - LINUX DO
- https://linux.do/t/topic/61502
- https://archive.ph/9RSzp

最近又开始挖矿潮了还是什么,做高性能大鸡的商家订单爆了 - Nodeseek
> chatgpt的官网,为了防止别人逆向去卖,增加了pow验证机制。需要用cpu算力跑验证,然后才能正常的在chatgpt官网对话。于是国内做chatgpt逆向的就需要大量的cpu算力。。。
> 只需要cpu,不需要内存不需要硬盘,所以当然是可以跑满cpu的vds性价比最高
- https://www.nodeseek.com/post-114638-1#7
- https://archive.ph/nHrjG#7

via Nostr@cxplay_clip

百度汉语只有「道反天罡」而没有「倒反天罡」词条, 看搜索结果「倒反天罡」反而更像网络流行语了, 含义似乎是很接近的.

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by CXPLAY

Fork it! It's time for a Mastodon hard fork

> An opportunity to improve safety, the Mastodon ecosystem, and fediverse software development

In Why a hard-fork of Mastodon isn’t the way, fediverse trust and safety expert (and longtime Mastodon contributor) Emelia Smith goes into more detail on the challenges that the current team needs to address – most of which potentially apply to a new fork as well.

"There’s general maintenance work, such as updating dependencies or moving off dependencies that are no longer supported; there’s security fixes and the back-porting of those fixes to older released versions; there’s product roadmap and project planning; there’s triaging and responding to hundreds or thousands of issues and pull requests; there’s providing help and assistance to users of the software who are encountering issues and bugs; there’s responding to press enquiries, applying for grants, working on legal & accounting to gain non-profit status, etc. There’s also documenting the project, which is a huge effort, with far too few people contributing (instead many are preferring to write their own blog posts about their experiences, rather than improving the documentation for everyone)."
Similarly, Smith notes that Mastodon arguably wasn't ever designed for single-user instances. As smallpatatas notes in The Slow Fedi Movement: Toward a Green, Independent, and Equitable Fediverse

"The cost of managed hosting even for a single-user instance is way too expensive for most of the world. Here's Marco Rogers' experience. $19 is a lot of money if you live in a low-income country."

- https://privacy.thenexus.today/mastodon-hard-fork/
- http://archive.today/6iFwJ

#article #read #Fediverse #Mastodon

via Nostr@cxplay Fork it! It's time for a Mastodon hard fork (UPDATED)

i社的恋活真是养起了某3D区半壁江山. 先不论这到底算不算 MMD, 制作难度比 MikuMikuDance 和 Blender 这些低太多了. 人物, 动作, 场景和镜头都能买或者拿现成的, 套上去直接录制下来就成了. 我也不好说这到底是好还是不好, 总之不同的人都做出一模一样风格的动画总归是很奇怪.

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by CXPLAY

In reply to nevent1q…6gq4

所以有没有公开注册的中文 Pleroma 实例?

via Nostr@cxplay Short Text Note by CXPLAY

@[email protected] 肯定是隔夜夜夜鸡块

sh1marin(@sh1marin@dabr.ca) says:


via CXPLAY (@[email protected])

In reply to nevent1q…y65j

更小的时候, 和祖辈们一起去山谷里面帮忙春耕, 说是帮忙其实是怕我们小孩子一个人在家出什么事才带上一起去.
在不是雨季也有水长流的谷地里有很多桤木, 这树的落叶都能堆出一臂深, 溪流也都要从落叶上过. 那一带有各种喜湿的多年生草本植物, 特别是菖蒲, 长的到处都是, 和杂草混在一起. 大人教我去用锄头挖菖蒲根(临近端午, 也是为了备点草药), 而我能用的那号锄头根本挖不断菖蒲的根, 水边的根盘根错节长得和乱渔网一样, 锄头下去甚至能弹起来(当然是我的锄头), 一些主根系甚至有大拇指那么粗, 那个时候我还是第一次见到这么粗的新鲜菖蒲根. 挖是挖不起来, 最后也只是等大人过来用真家伙解决.
切片干制后的菖蒲根可以直接泡温水喝, 对肠胃胀气有很好的效果, 小孩饮食不规律导致肠胃病也会被叫喝菖蒲水(还得加点红糖, 不然我们小孩子根本不喝). 菖蒲根也经常和枇杷叶, 车前, 生姜甚至菊花一起出现在家里的小药壶, 也算是种奇怪的茶饮吧?

via Nostr@cxplay
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