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In reply to nevent1q…x92y

Flashnote 可能解决的是是个非常小众的需求, 它是一个介于剪贴板到文字处理软件或者编辑器/框之间的一个用例, 用于临时保存和编辑立马就需要被处理的文本草稿, 所以它的启动速度得非常快, 占用也得很小, 而且还有全局快捷键.
与之类似的东西我见过的只有 Smartisan OS 上的「闪念胶囊」, Windows 上几乎没见过其他符合要求的.

via Nostr@cxplay
还在继续爆炸, 请关闭通知至少一小时. #通知
发现了一些上游的问题, 没办法处理, 回退修改了, 重新点火, 也许又会小炸一会. 还是临时关下通知吧. #通知
还在继续爆炸, 请关闭通知至少一小时. #通知

In reply to nevent1q…wmva

加了个五秒的 time.Sleep 就修好了... 但点火忘记通知观众了, 于是还是等于爆了. :bili_fantastic:

via Nostr@cxplay

Lark 邮箱的国内节点被下了, 或者... 22 日零点证书更新后未同步至国内节点.
但是, 除了国内公共 DNS 将 imap.larksuite.com 解析为国内 IP 外, 其他国际 DNS 即使传递 ECS 子网也已经把 IMAP 服务器解析到了原 AWS 的 IP, 所以第二种可能性比较低.

via Nostr@cxplay
#article #read

Building Bluesky: a Distributed Social Network (Real-World Engineering Challenges)

[...] Today, the Personal Data Servers are bare-metal servers hosted by cloud infrastructure vendor, Vultr. Bluesky currently operates 20 and shards them so that each PDS supports about 300,000 users. [...]
[...] **Owning your own infrastructure instead of using the cloud seems a rational choice.** Bluesky found large savings by moving off AWS once they could forecast the type of load they needed. Jake Gold, the engineer driving this transition, has been vocal about how cloud providers have become more expensive than many people realize. Speaking on the podcast, Last Week in AWS, he said:
> “With the original vision of AWS I first started using in 2006, or whenever launched, they said they would lower your bill every so often, as Moore’s law makes their bill lower. And that kind of happened a little bit here and there, but it hasn’t happened to the same degree as I think we all hoped it would.” [...]


#Bluesky #AWS

via Nostr@cxplay_clip Building Bluesky: a Distributed Social Network (Real-World Engineering Challenges)

前几天看到能把 HTTP 客户端标头信息打印成图片的小工具:
很适合一些特殊的场景下使用, 比如获取社交媒体 bot 的无头客户端的特征信息.

昨晚给它自定义了一下, 添加了一些有用的标头和调整了样式和路由.

## JSON 输出

- https://header.cx.ms
- https://header.cx.ms/json
- https://header.cx.ms/json.json

为了避免客户端强制缓存, 还可以:

- https://header.cx.ms/json-(.*)
- https://header.cx.ms/json-(.*).json

## 图片输出 (PNG)

- https://header.cx.ms /image
- https://header.cx.ms /image.png

同样, 绕过客户端缓存:

- https://header.cx.ms /image-(.*)
- https://header.cx.ms /image-(.*).png

## 应用实例

- https://script.cx.ms/html/opengraph.html

via Nostr@cxplay
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